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I'm like a lost ship without a crew..

2011-06-27 - 01:57:05

Take my hand. Don't fade away

2011-06-26 - 19:12:08

And every tear's a waterfall...

2011-06-18 - 16:39:47

All I do is WIN!

2011-06-16 - 15:29:53

Smack that

2011-06-15 - 19:28:36

If you fall for me, I'm not easy to please

2011-06-15 - 11:15:22

See I got you, all figured out

2011-06-14 - 20:13:14

The scars of your love reminds me about us

2011-06-14 - 14:09:43

Sjungom studentens lyckliga dag...

2011-06-10 - 21:09:00

Peace and love to everyone that you meet. Don't you worry, it could be so sweet

2011-06-08 - 14:12:50

See you had a lot of moments that didn’t last forever. Now you in the corner tryna put it together..

2011-06-08 - 13:34:57

Du gamla, Du fria, Du fjällhöga nord. Du tysta, Du glädjerika sköna!

2011-06-06 - 13:15:05

Want you to make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world

2011-06-06 - 01:43:23

I'm not a perfect person.

2011-06-04 - 15:15:16