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Don't let the silence voices bring you down!

2009-12-31 - 11:53:15

A situation like this, should never exist.

2009-12-30 - 15:54:53

I know what you are, what you are, baby

2009-12-29 - 13:21:42

I want your love and I want your revenge

2009-12-28 - 17:25:07

Just dance, gonna be okay!

2009-12-28 - 07:48:18

They're hidden inside, is there life within me?

2009-12-23 - 16:43:41

Happy Birthday!

2009-12-22 - 13:53:52

Look what love gave us.

2009-12-20 - 14:41:05

When it snows, ain't it thrilling, though your nose gets a chilling

2009-12-20 - 12:13:42

Varning för ras

2009-12-19 - 19:33:14

Nej jag vill inte få in den där världen den är så tom och tyst och tvär.

2009-12-19 - 11:08:44

I'll be there as soon as I can.. But I'm busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before

2009-12-17 - 23:52:56

Det som gör ont kan inte nå mig nu!

2009-12-17 - 13:09:03

You know I'd do it all again

2009-12-15 - 18:20:23

Jag har letat efter ro för min skakande hand efter dig. Efter dig, efter dig..

2009-12-15 - 12:51:03

Failure is my favorite thing

2009-12-15 - 08:09:15


2009-12-13 - 14:12:04

Jag vill bara gå hem med dig!

2009-12-12 - 12:30:31

Will pull it taut, nothing let out

2009-12-11 - 16:47:40

Don't deny me, call me back I'm so alone

2009-12-10 - 19:55:23

Tomten jag vill ha en riktig jul!

2009-12-09 - 14:44:41

I'm going home!

2009-12-05 - 00:32:08

It´s easier to live alone than fear the time it´s over

2009-12-03 - 23:20:48

So come in my cave and I'll burn your heart away

2009-12-02 - 11:42:44

I dream ahead to what I hope for and I turn my back on loving you

2009-12-02 - 08:58:52

Die motherfucker die!

2009-12-01 - 15:09:18